Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guillermo Biasini - Demo Reel 2010

Demo Reel Breakdown

- (0:05 - 0:36) Conan Intro Animation: (July 2010) Personal project; I did the animation of the character in Flash, for portfolio purpose.

- (0:37 - 0:47) Kid Little Animation: (November 2008) Personal project; I did the animation of the character in Photoshop, for portfolio purpose.

- (0:48 - 1:01) Lt. Fly 3d (game proposal): (February 2009) Group project; I did the animation of the Spider Soldier character with Maya.

- (1:02 - 1:36) Phineas and Ferb: Robot Attack: (December 2008) Group project; I did the animation of Phineas, and Perry through out the game with Photoshop, and Flash. © Disney.

- (1:37 - 1:50) Octopus Paul The Psychic (IPhone game): (August 2010) Group project; I did the all the animations of the character with Photoshop.